Find of the Week - Mason Jar Canisters
/I am the type of girl that LOVES a good deal. And being that I am the CFO of the family (according to Trice), I like to make sure we stick to our budget as closely as possible. So that naturally means I am thrifty and don't like to buy things unless the allotted money is there.
That being said... There are some things in life, like canisters, that can bankrupt your budget in a heartbeat. I must use restraint when perusing the aisles of Target or TJ Maxx and looking at all their cute $15 canisters. They are a true weakness of mine! Being that we buy all of our snacks in bulk, I like to make sure that everything has its own little container.
So, we usually reuse jars (see THIS post) or buy THESE canisters from IKEA because they are super cheap and we like the look of them. However, it is a bit of a pain in the butt to drive the 45 minutes to IKEA just for canisters. You spend more on gas than on the actual canister itself! And we also found that our lids are becoming discolored with time. So strange. And the final straw was the fact that we ended up with a sugar and glass massacre all over our kitchen floor the other day due to the IKEA canister lid that doesn't screw closed.
So my darling hubby and I were at Hobby Lobby the other day getting some things for a fun project we have decided to take on (more on that soon), and just so happened to spot these cute babies!
They are only 5.99, and after using our 40% coupon, we got them for $3.89 after taxes! I like that the glass is more heavy duty, and I like that the lid screws on all the way. And of course, who doesn't like the look of a Ball Mason Jar? Also, Hobby Lobby is conveniently right down the road from our house. So this was a win all around :)
If you are thrifty like me, you can understand why this makes me so happy! If you are looking for new canisters, Hobby Lobby is the place to go. Just don't forget to use your coupon!