5 Fun Family Activities to Try on a Snow Day
/(after playing in the snow of course!)
Brrrr it is frrreeezing here in Texas! The last couple of weeks have been tough, and I'm not going to lie... I feel like I've been going a little cuckoo! First we all took turns getting sick, which means we were quarantined from the outside world. And now we have been stuck indoors again due to frigid weather. That being said, I thought I'd put together a unique list of activities that would be great to do on a snow day. These are activities that we have had a lot of fun doing together with our kiddos.
Maybe the next time YOU have a snow day (or a hurricane day for all my Louisiana folks!), you could change things up and test out some of these activities with your kiddos. Although lots of movies and cuddles are completely fine too! :)
1. Go on a Bear Hunt
I bought Emerson a little Nerf gun at a thrift store back in December, and his daddy had the fantastic idea of going on a "bear hunt". If you don't have any live bears in your backyard, don't worry. Just draw one on your wall, aim and fire away! Our Nerf darts have little suction cups on them so it's fun to watch them stick! I have to give props to my husband for this amazing rendition of a bear that he drew. *wink wink*
2. Make Paper Towel Towers
We buy our paper towels in bulk at Costco. We used to keep them on the bottom shelf of our pantry, and the kids started pulling them out and making towers. This here is what we call FREE, ENDLESS entertainment! Emerson loves to stack them, and Etta Jayne finds amusement in knocking them down.
3. Play "Don't Let the Balloon Touch the Ground"
This one is pretty self-explanatory. This was one of our go-to games growing up. You just blow up a balloon (not with helium obviously), and you take turns volleying it into the air with the goal of not letting it touch the ground. This one is fun for adults and children alike!
4. Have aN INDOOR "Snow Ball Fight"
All you need for this one is cotton balls and your best game face. We did this back in November and it was a blast! This provokes lots of giggles from both parents and children. Your kiddos will not be complaining about boredom when their parents are throwing cotton balls at each other!
This is a really great option when you just need to move around! My favorite workout to do with the kids is FitnessBlender's Kids' Workout. It's 25 minutes of fun and includes (but is not limited to) a fun round of Red Light Green Light, Crab Walking and lots of jumping! You as a parent will get a nice little workout while also being able to get your kids involved.
Of course, when stuck inside we also spend lots of time doing crafts, reading books, playing choo choo trains and getting some good snuggles. For even more ideas, check out my post I wrote last February on 11 Busy Toddler Activities. I hope you find these ideas helpful and fun!!
What are some fun activities you have tried on a snow day?